Social media designs- Lilliput nursery- Vol.1

Art Direction of the Nursery: A Whimsical Fusion of "The Bee" and "Lilliput"

Conceptual Inspiration:
The client's logo "bee" served as the main source of inspiration for the art direction. We relied on the symbolic importance of bees, which represent hard work, community and the natural world. By combining this with the whimsical concept of Lilliput, we sought to evoke a sense of magic and childlike wonder through visual storytelling.

To infuse the brand with a distinct and personalized touch, we used Hand-Drawn Illustrations the majority of the drawings used in the Nursery project were meticulously hand-drawn. This approach allowed us to create unique, one-of-a-kind illustrations that brought the world of Lilliput to life. By incorporating bee-related elements, such as honeycombs, flowers, and adorable bees, we ensured a cohesive and engaging visual narrative.​​​​​​​
Color palette

Social media designs- Lilliput nursery- Vol.1